Ways to personalize your new home

6 Ways To Personalize Your New Home

After you’ve dealt with all the paperwork, finances, and anticipation of becoming a homeowner, it’s time to relax and make a plan for improvements and ways to personalize your new home. Many times, due to a tight budget, first-time homebuyers opt for an as-is property. These fixer-uppers can be an excellent investment if you can afford some touch-ups and DIY upgrades for the place. And after all the necessary work is done comes the best part – making the place your own with a bit of spare time and creativity. If you’re not sure how to start transforming your home, here are some guidelines.

Decide what your style is

First and foremost, after buying a home, every new homeowner should give the new interior design some thought. Perhaps you’ll go with the same furniture you had before, or you’ll invest in new items that will better fit the apartment layout. The main thing when designing the place is for you to be comfortable with the choice. That means optimizing every room to have good traffic, easy access to every corner, and utilizing neglected spaces. Changing a home and the environment is the perfect way to get rid of old habits and make new resolutions regarding living space. Now it’s the ideal time to make the most of your home and develop some habits of keeping it clean and tidy.

Interior design with combined modern and traditional elements
When deciding on the home interior, make sure you pick practical designs for easy maintenance.

Re-think Your Lighting Fixtures

There is nothing like a feeling of stepping into your new home for the first time. You might have seen it before during the house viewing, but now it’s something that belongs to you. This very fact opens a million possibilities for upgrades and betterment. Previous homeowners probably took care of the wall painting before the sale, so you have that covered. Of course, if the wall color is not satisfying, you can repaint it after the move. With it, you have the base palette of your home interior.

However, there is something many new homeowners forget about when designing the new place. Upgrading light fixtures with specific designs by your liking could transform the home. Still, your options will depend on the style you want to implement. For a more elegant appeal, think chandeliers. In addition, industrial-style lighting fixtures go great with lofts and homes with wooden and brick elements. Or perhaps you prefer more discreet options. Either way, light fixtures are a great way of creating an ambient and showing personal style through interior design.

Different kinds of lighting fixtures
There are thousands of fantastic lighting options. You just need to figure out what “speaks” to you.

Ways To Open Up The Room

No matter how much you liked the drapes and curtains in your previous home, they might not find the place in the new one. Many houses or apartments have different sizes and shapes of windows, oriented to different cardinal directions. For example, if you are moving into a place with smaller windows, keep in mind that they limit the natural light. Therefore, use transparent drapes to let the light in but still give your room a stylish and tasteful look.

Add Some Color And Texture 

Your wall color provides the base color of your interior. Homes on the market often feature neutral and pastel tones since they are the most appealing and match almost every home interior. This is an excellent choice for those who like to play it safe. Still, it’s up to you how you’ll match the rest of your items and décor with it. Even the dullest furniture can be “fixed” with some colorful or textured covers. One of the best ways to personalize your new home is to add nice throw pillows and rugs to the place. However, this doesn’t only refer to fabrics. You can do the same with walls. Open up the room by adding a different color to one of the walls, experimenting with paint finish. Additionally, put up wallpaper in some parts of the house, like the bedroom or a hallway.

Interior design with wooded elements and wall art
Textures that resemble wooden elements and floral-themed art are great ways to personalize your home if your want to show your love for the outdoors.

Wall Art And Décor

After you’ve done all the basic designing when it comes to furnishing, wall treatment, optimization, and upholstery, it’s time to add a few final touches to it. Wall art and wall décor are some of the best ways to personalize your new home since nothing tells you more about the homeowner than their choice of art. Wall art is emotion and expression, so it should never be taken lightly. Even though many people follow current trends when decorating their walls, the best way to make your house feel like home is to pick the art yourself. Framing family photos, buying a print of your favorite artist, or displaying an heirloom and memorabilia are great ideas, as long as there is an emotion to it.

Give Some Thought To Curb Appeal

Last but not least, when nesting in a new home, you should give your home exterior a makeover, too. Unlike interior improvements, this step could take some time if you want a complete revamp of the place. However, if you’ll settle with simple upgrades, touching up the windows and doors paint, thoroughly cleaning the stairs, porches, and leisure areas, and some landscaping can be a game-changer.

Take a walk through your new neighborhood where you could get some new ideas. It will also be an excellent opportunity to say hello to your neighbors and possibly meet new friends. It may be challenging to feel at home in a new town after the move, but if you get to know some new people and surroundings, you will get used to a new city and become a part of it.

Curb appeal with blue doors and potted flowers
Repainting the walls, windows and adding flowers to the home entrance create a warm and inviting vibe for anyone visiting.

In Conclusion

Finding the home of your dreams is an outstanding achievement. Thus, you have to make it truly yours by arranging everything in it based on your standards. The online tips and magazine advice can only get you halfway through. They will offer you some ideas and ways to personalize your new home. The other part of that process depends entirely on you. As long as you can express and match your tastes to your existing design, you can be sure you’re on the right path.

About Gerardo Zavala, Realtor

Gerardo Zavala, Realtor

There is a true passion for connecting people with real estate that makes me fall in love with my career over and over again. While my title says, REALTOR® I think I am much more than that. For example, I am present and actively listening to my client’s needs, on the spot when things are urgent, and by your side to say “congratulations.” Most of my clients will say that I am a connection away from support no matter the situation, day, or time. In my opinion, customer service, educating the client on progress and next steps, and overall satisfaction are my top priorities. How can I help you?