Many houses in a neighborhood

Buying A House Remotely: A Step by Step Guide

The housing market never sleeps, and it has never been busier. Also, online remote buying has become more popular these days due to the global pandemic happening. One of the great things about the Internet is that you can get information on just about anything. For example, you can read numerous real estate reviews to give you a comprehensive breakdown of the real estate market and finally close the deal entirely remotely. So, having all that in mind, you can make your buying process more convenient. But, do not worry. Buying a house remotely doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be complicated. We’ve created a step-by-step guide to help you get your beautiful new home wherever you are.

Step-by-Step Guide on Buying a Home Remotely

There are numerous reasons why you might want to start the buying process online. For example, you might be having a last-minute job relocation, and remote buying can be a great option, especially when social distancing is required to ensure safety. Therefore, innovation in real estate technology can make things easier for anyone wanting to buy a home. 

With a new home comes the relocation process, which you can also arrange online. You can use the database to find a reputable and safe moving company in line with your needs. Then, you can check their reviews online to make the best pick. That way, you will ensure your belongings are safe while you are dealing with other important tasks.

To help you get to this step, here’s our step-by-step guide on buying a home remotely to help you out.

  1. Find a local real estate agent
  2. Or find an agent who specializes in remote buying
  3. Create a wishlist of what you want exactly
  4. Decide on your budget
  5. Start browsing the Internet
  6. Attend virtual showings
  7. Make an offer
  8. Have a home inspection
  9. Close the deal

Find a Local Agent

Hiring a real estate agent is essential in the process of purchasing a home. If you hire a top-notch local agent, you will almost certainly close the deal soon without much stress.

Hiring a local real estate agent, especially when purchasing a property remotely, is helpful for many reasons. First of all, your agent will know the local market inside and out, and will be your guide every step of the way.

a couple shaking hands with their real estate agent
You can depend on your agent to handle almost every step of the home-buying process.

Your agent will assist you in attending virtual showings, making the offer, and closing the deal. In other words, they will help you find the right house for your needs.

When searching for the right real estate agency for you, you can have interviews online via video call or phone. Also, it’s always a good idea to get references from friends and family.

Or the One That Specializes in Remote Buying

Another thing to consider is to hire an agent who has experience in remote purchases. This might be the best way to assure success since you will find someone who already knows the drill. 

Another great thing when hiring an agent like this is that they will also be your teacher. A good agent with experience in remote home-buying will be delighted to teach you about the process of online home purchase.

Additionally, the right agent will give you access to some reliable online housing market data. This will especially be helpful once you start researching the right home for you.

Create a Wishlist

By this, we mean that you will decide on the features you would like your dream home to have. Of course, it would be best to remain flexible and realistic about some of the features, but experts recommend having top five non-negotiables.

A man's writing a wishlist for buying a house remotely
Make a list of your preferences when it comes to buying a house remotely.

Doing so will tremendously help your agent in finding the right home for you, or at least in narrowing the selection down. It would also help if you had a list of the things you don’t want and will not accept.

Research Online

With the help of your agent and wishlist by your side, it’s time to start your research. It would be good to keep in mind that pictures can be deceiving. The photos might show only the best areas of the house or be from the best possible angles. If you want to find the right home for you, it’s essential to schedule a virtual tour with your trusted agent.

A woman attending a virtual showing online
Attending virtual tours with your agent is essential when purchasing a home remotely.

Attend Virtual Showings

During the virtual showing, your agent will lead you through the house via video chat. You can ask your agent to open the doors for you, look inside closets, turn on lights, or give you a close-up view of any details you notice.

Of course, it won’t exactly be like you are in the room with them, but it will be pretty close to it. Your agent ultimately has your best interests in mind and will give you the right feedback on the house.

Make an Offer

After completing all the previous steps, it’s time to get down to business. First, you will need to get all the necessary paperwork in order and you can let your real estate agent take it from there.

Your agent will negotiate the best offer possible and do so in person with the seller or their agent. Your job is to relax and rely on your agent’s expertise.

Have a Home Inspection

While this step isn’t always a must, it would be a good idea not to skip it, especially if you are buying a home completely online. This is an opportunity to dig deep into the property’s specifics and find out about any issues that need to be done before closing the deal. 

A man's hand pointing to the laptop screen
You can have an online home inspection with a professional.

It would be best if you get a referral from your trusted agent. Once you hire the inspection, you can also ask them to do it while on the video chat with them. 

Close The Deal

After the inspection and the post-inspection negotiations are over, there’s one more step to complete until the home officially becomes yours. Sign that paperwork! You won’t have any problems closing the deal remotely since virtual signatures carry the same legal weight as written ones.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it! These have been the steps you need to take to close the deal and purchase a home online, successfully. As you’ve seen, finding the right agent is of crucial importance when buying a home remotely. We hope this article has helped you in knowing what to expect so the overall buying process isn’t overwhelming or stressful. We wish you all the luck!

About Gerardo Zavala, Realtor

Gerardo Zavala, Realtor

There is a true passion for connecting people with real estate that makes me fall in love with my career over and over again. While my title says, REALTOR® I think I am much more than that. For example, I am present and actively listening to my client’s needs, on the spot when things are urgent, and by your side to say “congratulations.” Most of my clients will say that I am a connection away from support no matter the situation, day, or time. In my opinion, customer service, educating the client on progress and next steps, and overall satisfaction are my top priorities. How can I help you?