Editor’s Note: How to Reflect on 2021 and Create New Resolutions For 2022

This Editor’s Note comes courtesy of our upcoming January 2022 newsletter, which you can subscribe to right here. In each newsletter, I, your friendly editor, offer readers seasonal tips and insights—which are always relevant to the theme of the month. January’s theme is the upcoming new year, so I decided to touch upon the importance of reflection and making new resolutions.

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can reflect on the events of the last year, and how you can use that reflection for creating changes in 2022, then continue reading!

How to Reflect on 2021 and Create New Resolutions For 2022

This time of the year is a very transitory period. We often find ourselves moving away from the events of the previous year and wondering what’s in store for us in the next. A great way to condense all the thoughts we may be having during this time would be to create a board, digitally or not, that allows us to reflect on the previous year, while also deciding on goals and resolutions for the future.  

For each section you can compile photos or notes to accompany your answers. The addition of photos and notes can help with reflecting and make the experience more visual and tangible. This can be done with sites like Pinterest, a scrapbook, or any other physical medium that you prefer.


For this section I would suggest asking yourself these questions:

  • What are my favorite memories of the year?
  • Who is a new connection that I’m glad to have made?
  • When did I feel most proud of myself? Or a loved one?
  • When did I feel the most accomplished?


And then, once the above are answered, ask yourself:

  • What do I want to accomplish in the next year?
  • Do I have any work-centric goals?
  • Who do I want to connect with more?
  • Do I want to start any new hobbies?

And once you have completed all of the above, you’ll be one step closer to achieving your goals, while also honoring the memories you’ve made the year before. I think it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of resolutions for the new year, and skip out on some of the important reflections that need their own place. Don’t forget to take the time to store away those memories, immortalize them in your own way, so you can come back to them later, once you’ve accomplished all the goals that you’ve set out to.

You’ve got this!

-Your Friendly Editor

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About Gerardo Zavala, Realtor

Gerardo Zavala, Realtor

There is a true passion for connecting people with real estate that makes me fall in love with my career over and over again. While my title says, REALTOR® I think I am much more than that. For example, I am present and actively listening to my client’s needs, on the spot when things are urgent, and by your side to say “congratulations.” Most of my clients will say that I am a connection away from support no matter the situation, day, or time. In my opinion, customer service, educating the client on progress and next steps, and overall satisfaction are my top priorities. How can I help you?