Real Estate Review

How a Real Estate Review Benefits You

If you’re a Chicago, IL area homeowner who is looking to better understand the current real estate market, you’ve come to the right place. Maybe you’re thinking about moving across the country and you want to know about current real estate trends in another state. Maybe you’re just interested in seeing how your current property is doing in Illinois. Maybe you’re trying to decide if it’s worth it to sell, or buy, or just wait until the market will benefit you more. Whatever the scenario may be, a Real Estate Review can help you in determining what your next big life steps should be.

So, What Exactly Is a Real Estate Review?

A Real Estate Review is a comprehensive breakdown of the real estate market over the last quarter which includes data ranging from nationwide statistics, to numbers that hit closer to home. This report is something that I offer as a complimentary service to my clients because of my commitment to helping clients to understand the market so they can make decisions that best benefit them and their long-term goals.

Data Points That I Cover

I can cover any, and all, of the data that you wish. However, I have several data points I pull from consistently because of their importance in measuring the temperature of the market. To start with, I cover stats from:

  • The entire US.
  • Your selected state.
  • Your selected county.
  • Your selected town/city.
  • Your selected neighborhood/suburb.

Within each location that you wish me to pull data from, I typically pull these basic, but important, data points–in addition to specific data points that you can request.

  • Average length of time homes are on the market.
  • Average cost that homes are sold for.
  • Average prices for specific home types.
  • The current value of your home.
  • Inclines or declines in home values.
  • An examination of comparable listings to your home.

These are just some examples of the information that comes with a complimentary Real Estate Review. I can also gather much more specific data for you to include in my report. The possibilities are limitless!

Which Situation Are You In?

Regardless of the specific scenario that you find yourself in, I will always be here to help clients in determining what their next big moves should be. But, if you belong to one of the following groups, it might be useful to read on and see how a Real Estate Review could really benefit you.

You’re thinking about selling

If you’ve found yourself wanting to sell your home, a Real Estate Review tailored to your needs as a seller would be a fantastic option for starting that process.

I would work with you to determine what the best data points to pull from would be. To start with, I would suggest looking into comparable listings to your current home and recording how much they sold for, and how long they’ve taken to sell.

I would also look at the average selling price for homes in your local area, as well as the county-wide, state-wide, and country-wide averages. 

If you wish, I could also do a more comprehensive evaluation of your current home by visiting your property in person to better determine the current value.

You’re thinking about moving to a completely new area

When you have decided to make the big leap to a new place, it can be an overwhelming experience. You’re probably filled with questions, like. 

  • How much are the homes?
  • Do they have homes in a style that I actually like? 
  • How does the real estate market look in that area? 
  • Will my new home accrue value over time?
  • How are the schools?

I can answer all of those questions, and more! In working together on your Real Estate Review we can come up with the specific data points you are interested in learning more about, in the area that you’re interested in. Then, armed with all of your questions answered, you can feel confident and at ease about whatever decision you make.

You want to be strategic about your investments

If you do not have a pressing need to invest in additional real estate, but you want to know more about the market for your future, a Real Estate Review is a great way to get an overview of the current state of the market.

I can give you a broad view of the entire U.S. real estate market, as well as a breakdown of market trends that are more local to you.

Together we can look at how the market has recently fared, how your current property is doing, and what a good plan for you would be going forward.

Let’s Talk, It’s Free

In evaluating statistics relating to real estate, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the avalanche of figures that circulate in real estate market reports. In my tailored Real Estate Review, I can streamline all the necessary information so you are getting only the information that you want.

And the best part? All of it is free. 

Think of it like a free credit report that you get access to each year. Each year we look at our reports to make sure our credit scores are where they need to be. You can do the same thing with your current investments and knowledge of the real estate market.

Information is powerful. It is one of the most powerful tools that we have as homeowners. We can use this information to make sure we are making the best decisions for our families and our futures. 

This information is something that I feel great about giving to my clients. I have seen how it empowers them to make important financial decisions while feeling assured that they are making the right choice for them, with the best current information available.

If all of this sounds good to you, feel free to schedule an appointment with me so we can go over what you are interested in learning more about. I am available for phone, video, and in-person meetings.

If you want to contact me directly, my phone number is: 630.460.7953.

About Gerardo Zavala

There is a true passion for connecting people with real estate that makes me fall in love with my career over and over again. While my title says, REALTOR® I think I am much more than that. For example, I am present and actively listening to my clients needs, on the spot when things are urgent, and by your side to say “congratulations.” Most of my clients will say that I am a connection away from support no matter the situation, day or time. In my opinion, customer service, educating the client on progress and next steps, and overall satisfaction are my top priorities. How can I help you?