How to Prepare for a Competitive Home-Buying Season

Fall has just arrived, and it is a very exciting season. Apart from all the beautiful colors and the holidays, it also marks a new opportunity for homebuying due to lower prices. Many people looking to buy a house decide to do so during the fall for multiple reasons. Prices are generally lower during this time of the year compared to the summer. Also, the majority of the buyers are rushing to move in before the winter comes. Often there are more interested buyers than there are actual houses, which makes the market really competitive. This can often get very frustrating, as you can find yourself receiving one declined offer after another. One way to get around this is to prepare for a competitive home-buying season in advance. This way, you’ll know what to expect and how to navigate the process. To help you do so, we’ve put a short list of home-buying preparation tips.

Stay informed

Buying a house is a multiple-step process. During each of those steps, you’ll likely encounter many choices and options, whether it’s your realtor, the house itself, or the moving company. Of course, you want to make the best decision possible and try to avoid getting overwhelmed by all the options. Your best bet to do so and thoroughly prepare for a competitive buying season is to get well-informed. 

You can start by doing some market research. Get familiar with the average asking price for the types of houses you’re looking at. This will help you avoid buying an overpriced house later on and not realizing it. When choosing a realtor, pay attention to the reviews and general customer satisfaction. You want someone with your best interests in mind, who will go the extra mile to find a perfect home for you. 

Once you do find the house of your dreams, you’ll need some help with moving all of your things there. Nowadays there’s a huge number of moving companies to choose from. suggest that going for ones that have been around for a while is always a good option. Generations of happy customers are generally a good sign of a trustworthy company, which is exactly what you want from someone transporting your precious belongings.

Different charts on a piece of paper and a hand holding a pen
Doing your market research is a great head start

Find the perfect balance

Knowing what you want when you’re trying to prepare for a competitive home-buying season is crucial. If you’re indecisive, buying opportunities will probably often escape right under your nose. The competitive market waits for no one, so you need to be quick. Having the structural requirements for your house defined before going into the home-buying process is crucial. This way, you won’t lose hours on end debating whether you prefer a two-bedroom with walk-in closets or a four-bedroom with a pantry.

However, keep in mind that sometimes being very strict with your requirements can bring you more harm than good. Sometimes you just need to think outside the box. By not taking anything remotely different from your primary idea into consideration, you’re potentially depriving yourself of a perfect house. If there’s anything about a house you’d like to change, think about how hard and costly it would be to change it.

The key to solving this issue is finding balance. Establish some ground rules and define your “non-negotiables.” If you’re definitely looking for a three-bedroom, do not look at anything bigger or smaller. Also, make sure to be clear about which areas are up for discussion. Make a list of things you would like to have but aren’t absolutely necessary. These steps are bound to keep you on track and simplify the buying process significantly.

Several rocks stacked one on top of another
Balance is the key when defining requirements for your new home

Try to relax!

First of all, yes, we know this one is much easier said than done. All the house showings, trying to make sensible offers, and planning your move while being under constant stress can be a bit much. It’s completely okay if you feel like all the stress is taking a toll on you. In this case, doing your best to take it easy is worth a shot.

Firstly, you’re much more likely to make good decisions if you keep a cool head. Feeling stressed can sometimes make you act impulsively, which is something you definitely want to avoid when buying a house. Also, staying calm will make you seem more approachable and friendly. Those qualities are always much appreciated in a buyer, both by sellers and real estate agents.

You’re probably wondering what you can actually do to keep a cool head throughout the whole process and deal with moving stress. For starters, try your best to focus on the positives. Think about the fact that soon you’ll be moving to a bigger house or a better neighborhood. It’s also really important to make sure you have an outlet for all the pent-up stress. Some of the things you can do to let off some steam are:

  • Physical activity (jogging, swimming, martial arts)
  • Meditation
  • Doing art
  • Playing video games

Of course, this short list is only a suggestion. It can be anything else you like; the only thing that matters is that it works for you and helps you unwind.

Ask for help

Remember that you don’t have to go through everything by yourself. Hearing other people’s experiences can be extremely helpful, especially if you’re a first-time homebuyer. If you have friends or coworkers who bought a house in recent years, don’t hesitate to ask them to describe the process to you. This can help you become more aware of some situations that may happen, so you can mentally prepare yourself for them. Finally, you can also use this opportunity to learn from other people’s mistakes. In this case, it’s much better than learning on your own!

Three people holding their hands together as a sign of friendship
Get your friends to help you prepare for a competitive home-buying season


As stressful as buying a new home during a buying season can be, it’s worth it in the end. Instead of jumping right into it, you’ll be doing yourself a huge favor if you prepare for a competitive home-buying season beforehand. We know that in the beginning; it does take a bit of skill, patience, and optimism, which is why it can seem scary. However, once you get through that, you’ll be glad you did. In the end, you’ll have a wonderful new house that you got for an excellent price, which was the main goal all along.

About Gerardo Zavala, Realtor

Gerardo Zavala, Realtor

There is a true passion for connecting people with real estate that makes me fall in love with my career over and over again. While my title says, REALTOR® I think I am much more than that. For example, I am present and actively listening to my client’s needs, on the spot when things are urgent, and by your side to say “congratulations.” Most of my clients will say that I am a connection away from support no matter the situation, day, or time. In my opinion, customer service, educating the client on progress and next steps, and overall satisfaction are my top priorities. How can I help you?