Mindfulness Corner: Show Loving Kindness To Yourself This December

As a part of our monthly newsletters, which you can sign up for here, we like to offer our readers tips that go beyond the world of real estate. One feature that we’re always proud to give back to our readers is our Mindfulness Corner segment. This segment comes from our resident mindfulness expert, Imelda Guerra. In this month’s issue, Imelda explores the idea of showing self-compassion through practicing the steps of Loving Kindness. Following the below exercise will help with finding inner strength during a time that can be hard for some.

Have you found ways to show more kindness to yourself during the holidays? If you feel like you need some tips then continue reading this month’s Mindfulness Corner segment.

Show Loving Kindness to Yourself This December

For many of us, this time of year brings lots of joy and happiness, along with some stress and anxiety. Practicing self-compassion can help us find the inner-strength needed to work through our challenges so we can receive positive moments in our lives and connect more deeply with others. The following exercise is helpful for extending loving kindness to yourself, those you love and the world around you, even when things are tough:

Loving Kindness 

  1. Begin by finding a comfortable position to practice mindfulness. This may be sitting or lying down, eyes closed or soft gaze down.
  2. Now bring attention to your full being. Silently repeat the following words with the intent of sending loving kindness to yourself:
    • Wherever I am, may I be safe
    • Wherever I am, may I be happy
    • Wherever I am, may I be healthy
    • Wherever I am, may I live with ease
  3. Now bring your attention to someone you deeply love. Silently repeat the following words with the intent of sending loving kindness to them:
    • Wherever you are, may you be safe
    • Wherever you are, may you be happy
    • Wherever you are, may you be healthy
    • Wherever you are, may you live with ease
  4. Finally, bring your attention to your family or community.  Silently repeat the following words with the intent of sending loving kindness to all:
    • Wherever we are, may we be safe
    • Wherever we are, may we be happy
    • Wherever we are, may we be healthy
    • Wherever we are, may we live with ease
  5. Take a deep breath. Inhale, and exhale. 
  6. Mindfully notice your reaction to this exercise. Simply notice your thoughts and emotions as they are without trying to judge or change them. This is the practice of mindfulness, this is self-compassion.

If You Want More Mindfulness Tips…

If you liked this contribution from Imelda Guerra, and you want more tips on mindfulness, then check out our previous monthly newsletters, and consider subscribing! We email, mail, and post our monthly newsletters at the beginning of each month. Each newsletter is guaranteed to contain useful homeowner and buyer tips, current real estate statistics, and festively themed segments from our contributors. We’re very proud of each newsletter that we release, and we hope that you like them just as much as we do!

About Gerardo Zavala, Realtor

Gerardo Zavala, Realtor

There is a true passion for connecting people with real estate that makes me fall in love with my career over and over again. While my title says, REALTOR® I think I am much more than that. For example, I am present and actively listening to my client’s needs, on the spot when things are urgent, and by your side to say “congratulations.” Most of my clients will say that I am a connection away from support no matter the situation, day, or time. In my opinion, customer service, educating the client on progress and next steps, and overall satisfaction are my top priorities. How can I help you?